Wk-6-Identiy Art (Periscope)

imageimageimageOn the week six we had to utilize the periscope app to communicate with others. At first I was a bit shy and a little lost, didn’t quite understand how to work it or what to say. I was in the library and I didn’t know what to say therefore I began to speak about random and insignificant things meanwhile a couple of buddies were studying I began to record them and record myself.

I notice that I didn’t really have much of an audience. But I really wanted to grab the attention of those who joined my periscope. Since no one really asked question I began to speak and speak. But I truly believe that if more viewers would have join my periscope it  would have not been boring. The reason why I say this is because the activity also need us to look at others periscope. I got into a beautiful Russian girl although I did not understand what she said i purposely typed something out in english and she began to speak english in this magnificent Russian accent which basically made me fall in love.

I think periscope is a magnificent way to communicate completely random. Overall this activity was fun but social humiliating after the fact that you let go of your shyness then it kinda turns into a normal very video of yourself.

User name: @Fily16


Wk-14- 3 way Classmate Conversation


This semester has been great heading to the galleries on Thursdays and meeting new yet different classmates. This semester I actually made two great friends. Nestor Placensia and Edgar Navarro. These are two down to earth soft hearted guys with tons of pressure on there shoulders. The reason being is because there parents are relying on them to become a bit more finically stable, just like my parents are. Being a second generation child in a Mexican-America household usually doesn’t allow us to attend a four year university because of the household finical stability but our parents worked hard therefore we could have the opportunity to attend school.

We are all Mexican-American students trying to find a way to succeed in life and help our parents out. Edgar and I are both third year students at Cal State University of Long Beach, meanwhile Nestor is a second year student. Nestor and Edgar are both looking forward to majoring in the business field. Although Nestor is debate whether he should change majors or stay in the business field. We also love to play video games, hang out with friends and family. Overall we just love to have fun, living life as if everyday could be out last.

Although it seems like we have lots in common we also have differences that makes us unique for example Nestor and I love to play soccer meanwhile Edgar is a baseball type of guy. Edgar favorite food is birria, Nestor favorite food is pizza, and I love tacos. Nestor said he loves Picasso because he’s so abstract and modern for his time, in which lots of people didn’t understand his paintings but thats what makes it unique. On the other hand Edgar likes Professor Glenn because he inspires him to be self-confident, and gives him the courage that one day he will dye his hair.




This week I decided to interview Lourdes Martinez. Lourdes Martinez is a senior student at Cal State University of Long Beach majoring in photography. Through her high school years she’s been trying to figure herself out, and happen to notice that photography truly brought out her inter joy. So she states that by senior year in high school she’s found her interest in photography. But she never thought a hobby would turn into a career.

The picture above is one of her art pieces which was inspired by a photo that was taken in the 1990’s. Lourdes states that it was a photo taken by NASA and its of photo of earth. She loves the picture because she could demonstrate to her viewers how insignificant we are and earth is in this milky way.

Lourdes was surfing the network and she happened to find this picture therefore she zoomed as close as she could and snapped a picture with her camera. I liked this piece because it was simple and it had a meaningful meaning to Lourdes and it reminds me how small this earth really is.

Unfortunately Lourdes Martinez didn’t have a website!